Use the equity in your home to give you the financial freedom you require to make those necessary home renovations, do some well-deserved travelling, pay off high-interest debts, or for whatever lifestyle goals you may have in mind.
A personal loan is a convenient solutions when funds are needed for an important purchase, luxury item, or even to consolidate debts into one, lower-cost payment.
A Line-of-Credit (LOC) maximizes your purchasing power, while providing valuable overdraft protection for a chequing account. It ensures access to funds when needed-without waiting or arranging for a personal loan. It's great for personal emergencies, car repairs, major home appliances, investment opportunites, education, RRSP, etc. Rates are lower than retail credit cards, so paying off credit card balances in full each month with a LOC limit can reduce overall borrowing costs.
Before you sign on the dotted line, we’ll take the time to review your financing options. At iNova Credit Union, our vehicle loans are accompanied by features that give you flexibility, and put you in control of your money.
*RRSP loans, with rates as low as prime, provides an opportunity for owners to maximize their RRSP contribution and to take advantage of maximum tax benefits today while providing for their future retirement.
Take advantage of unused carry-forward amounts or maximize your yearly contributions by borrowing and taking up to 10 years to repay. Any tax refund could be used to pay down loan balance, make next year's contribution early, or just for you to spend -- the choice is yours.
We’ll be happy to help you pinpoint the option that best suits your needs.
Take a look at the latest, competitive rates on offer for our lending solutions.
Try our calculator for help finding a loan that suits you and your budget.
Any time you take on debt, it’s important to understand the ins, outs, and implications of your choices.
You’ve likely heard of credit scores, but what exactly do they mean for you and your finances?